SchizoPhrenia Care Project
Meet Dr. Ken Campos
we can make
a difference.

Dr. Ken Campos
Member of
the American Psychiatric Association
Distinguished Life Fellow of the APA
Dr. Ken Campos is dedicated to creating an environment for the transformation of your life and the lives of your loved-ones living with SchizoPhrenia. He envisions a world with communities of support to help you, the caregiver, embody a strong foundation of balanced health. It is from that foundation that you and other caregivers may support the vision of a respectful, healthful, and optimal life for those diagnosed with schizophrenia.
He is a professional psychiatrist, identifying as a holistic psychiatrist, medication and care management specialist. Dr. Ken Campos has been treating patients with SchizoPhrenia and psychosis since his Mayo Clinic Residency in 1981. He spent 20 years in closed-locked hospital settings with acutely psychotic patients up until 2013, and now works part time at an outpatient clinic doing medication management for those with chronic SchizoPhrenia.
Dr. Ken Campos is a published scientist. He started his education at Caltech (the California Institute of Technology) where he initially pursued astronomy and the mind. He completed undergraduate school in biology with a focus on biochemistry. This was followed by medical school at the University of California, San Diego, School of Medicine.
During medical school, Dr. Ken spent 2 months in a rural hospital in the Guatemala highlands—he is fluent in Spanish. He did his psychiatric residency at the Mayo Clinic, Minnesota. Dr Ken was a member of the graduate education committee at the Mayo Clinic and was awarded the Laughlin Fellowship from the American College of Psychiatrists in 1989. He spent four years with the National Institute of Mental Health where he was a commissioned officer in the US Public Health Service researching brain chemistry.
Moving from lab research to clinical work with psychotic patients, Dr. Ken Campos joined first the Behavioral Health Services of San Diego County (14 years) then the Atascadero State Hospital (ASH) in San Luis Obispo, California (5 years). He served as a hospital-based multidisciplinary treatment team leader for 20 years.
His focused on both medications and working closely with holistic social workers and staff for the management of severely ill patients. Dr. Ken Campos served as acting Medical Director at San Diego County Psychiatric Hospital in both 1997 and 2003. From 2014 to 2016 he managed a dual diagnosis residential care home in Fresno, California.
Dr. Ken Campos has been certified by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology since 1994.
In 2004, he achieved the status of a Distinguished Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association for clinical excellence and other contributions both to the community and to the profession in 2004.
He has published research in scientific periodicals such as the Journal of Biological Chemistry, and the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. He has given presentations in New Orleans, London, and Madrid.
Dr. Ken Campos is a passionate volunteer, heavily involved in every community he’s lived in over his career. He was co-founder of the Rochester AIDS Volunteer Project in Minnesota in 1986, and spent a year as a Spanish language support group leader for the San Diego AIDS foundation in 1998. Dr. Ken Campos also volunteers with gardening groups and supports both theater and dance in San Diego where he received the Performing Arts League “Star Award” for volunteerism in both 2005 and 2007.
A life-long learner with a focus on the mind-body connection, he meditates regularly and practices yoga. Dr. Ken Campos studied Kabbalah for 8 years in his 20s; and studied with Michael Harner’s Foundation for Shamanic Studies. He is a life-member of a healing-teaching theosophical group, The Paracelsian Order.

Dr. Ken Campos
Member of
the American Psychiatric Association
Distinguished Life Fellow of the APA
Dr. Ken Campos is dedicated to creating an environment for the transformation of your life and the lives of your loved-ones living with SchizoPhrenia. He envisions a world with communities of support to help you, the caregiver, embody a strong foundation of balanced health. It is from that foundation that you and other caregivers may support the vision of a respectful, healthful, and optimal life for those diagnosed with schizophrenia.
He is a professional psychiatrist, identifying as a holistic psychiatrist, medication and care management specialist. Dr. Ken Campos has been treating patients with SchizoPhrenia and psychosis since his Mayo Clinic Residency in 1981. He spent 20 years in closed-locked hospital settings with acutely psychotic patients up until 2013, and now works part time at an outpatient clinic doing medication management for those with chronic SchizoPhrenia.
Dr. Ken Campos is a published scientist. He started his education at Caltech (the California Institute of Technology) where he initially pursued astronomy and the mind. He completed undergraduate school in biology with a focus on biochemistry. This was followed by medical school at the University of California, San Diego, School of Medicine.
During medical school, Dr. Ken spent 2 months in a rural hospital in the Guatemala highlands—he is fluent in Spanish. He did his psychiatric residency at the Mayo Clinic, Minnesota. Dr Ken was a member of the graduate education committee at the Mayo Clinic and was awarded the Laughlin Fellowship from the American College of Psychiatrists in 1989. He spent four years with the National Institute of Mental Health where he was a commissioned officer in the US Public Health Service researching brain chemistry.
Moving from lab research to clinical work with psychotic patients, Dr. Ken Campos joined first the Behavioral Health Services of San Diego County (14 years) then the Atascadero State Hospital (ASH) in San Luis Obispo, California (5 years). He served as a hospital-based multidisciplinary treatment team leader for 20 years.
His focused on both medications and working closely with holistic social workers and staff for the management of severely ill patients. Dr. Ken Campos served as acting Medical Director at San Diego County Psychiatric Hospital in both 1997 and 2003. From 2014 to 2016 he managed a dual diagnosis residential care home in Fresno, California.
Dr. Ken Campos has been certified by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology since 1994.
In 2004, he achieved the status of a Distinguished Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association for clinical excellence and other contributions both to the community and to the profession in 2004.
He has published research in scientific periodicals such as the Journal of Biological Chemistry, and the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. He has given presentations in New Orleans, London, and Madrid.
Dr. Ken Campos is a passionate volunteer, heavily involved in every community he’s lived in over his career. He was co-founder of the Rochester AIDS Volunteer Project in Minnesota in 1986, and spent a year as a Spanish language support group leader for the San Diego AIDS foundation in 1998. Dr. Ken Campos also volunteers with gardening groups and supports both theater and dance in San Diego where he received the Performing Arts League “Star Award” for volunteerism in both 2005 and 2007.
A life-long learner with a focus on the mind-body connection, he meditates regularly and practices yoga. Dr. Ken Campos studied Kabbalah for 8 years in his 20s; and studied with Michael Harner’s Foundation for Shamanic Studies. He is a life-member of a healing-teaching theosophical group, The Paracelsian Order.